We build and maintain systems.

Simple, Secure Hosting Backed By Expert Support.

BTCAlpha is a digital agency focused on building information systems, CRMs, ERPs, Business Intelligence. One of our strongest abilities is our strong team of server administrators who can maintain your applications.

Our Services

BTCAlpha is a digital agency focused on building information systems, CRMs, ERPs, Business Intelligence. One of our strongest abilities is our strong team of server administrators who can maintain your applications.


As our name shows, we can implement applications over blockchain be it Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero or EOS.

Cloud Architecture

Let us build your new cloud. We can design or help you build whole cloud infrastracture (AWS, Azure, GCP).


Let us design & manage your network infrastructure.


Let us keep you safe with backups. Multiple locations, AES encrypted.


Let us keep your expenses low.


Let us tune the configurations for you. We can help you save resources by proper configuration.


Let us create safer & private internet browsing experience for you.

We're here to help. Get in touch and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.


How we work?

  • We develop systems to fit your needs.
  • We deploy them on our servers, your servers or into the cloud.
  • We monitor and maintain applications, fix errors, backup data, patch errors, monitor security risks.
  • We provide insights what else we can develop for you.

Technologies we use

  • Ubuntu Linux, OpenBSD, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes
  • Java, JavaScript, node.js, Vue.js, React
  • Multiple SQL and NoSQL servers including Postgres, Mongo, Redis, memcached
  • Kibana, Zabbix, Cacti, Nagios
  • Ansible, Puppet, Chef
  • CircleCI, Jenkins, Hudson
  • Multiple own scripts and apps to provide services including a mailserver, backups, Continuous Integration
  • Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero and EOS blockchains. Smart contracts without middlemen like Infura
  • We know and use OpenZeppelin, Truffle, 0x

We are remote company working with clients mostly in GMT-2 to GMT+2 timezones.

How to get in touch?